Bridging Big Data (BBD) 2020 Workshop


Use the hashtags #bbd2020 and #NebraskaSMARTI to talk about it and share ideas/pictures/feedback. Here are some past tweets.

BBD 2020: Bridge Health in Times of Crisis

The Bridging Big Data 2020 workshop (BBD 2020) will bring together bridge dataset owners, big data solution providers, and academics to discuss data-informed bridge infrastructure resilience in crisis times. Through this workshop, we seek to understand the pandemic’s impact on bridge infrastructure resilience from design, sensing, economic, and socio-political perspectives. As with prior workshops, we will continue to focus on smart big data pipelines for aging rural bridge transportation infrastructure - by showcasing sensing and big data technology applications, highlighting solutions to data discovery and controlled sharing challenges, and unveiling novel data-driven decision-making tools.

The one-day workshop will be conducted in a virtual format using a remote video-conferencing platform. Morning activities will focus on what has been done – how data, technology, and engineering are being used to improve built infrastructure management in turbulent times. A panel of leading experts will discuss how presented techniques could affect future bridge design, assessment, management, and policy decisions during and after a major crisis in the Midwest.

Afternoon activities will look at what needs to be done – national and international activities focused on better preparing for the effects of future crises on the built environment. Additionally, in lightning talks, researchers will feature SMARTI data products that improve rural bridge assessment and management during and between crises.

Professional Development Units/Continuing Education Credits will be provided to workshop attendees.

General Focus Areas related to Bridge Structural Health

Data Management

Decision Support Systems

Social-Technological Impact

Next-Gen Health Monitoring



For optimal workshop experience, please update your zoom installation to the latest version.

Previous Workshops

Bridging Big Data Workshop (2019)

Workshop held at the Nebraska Innovation Campus, Lincoln, September 16th 2019

Bridging Big Data Workshop (2017)

Bridging Big Data Workshop (2016)

Bridge-ing Big Data Workshop (2015)